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Keramický zpravodaj 27 (2) (2011)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate Prof. J. Davidovits’
theory of the use of agglomerated stone in the constructi-
on of the Great Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops).
The work includes one part with the list of literature sour-
ces that evaluate all the materials necessary for the con-
struction of a pyramid made of geopolymeric materials
and a pyramid made of natural limestone. The practical
part of the work contains analyses of samples borrowed
from the Khufu Pyramid and the Mastaba in Dahsure.
These samples were analysed by means of x-ray diffraction
analysis, infrared spectrometry, optical microscopy, and
thermogravimetric analysis. Interpretation of the data
from the above-mentioned analyses helped me to arrive at
the conclusion that the samples from Khufu’s pyramid are
fully natural and do not contain an amorphous phase,
which is so typical for geopolymeric materials.
All the samples related to the pyramids in Giza are from
the private inventory of Ing. David Koloušek, CSc., who
obtained them as a heritage from Dr. Ludmila Matiegová,
who repeatedly visited Egypt in the 1920s. The analyses
were applied to the samples of “mud bricks” from the
Mastaba in Dahsure, and to noble limestone from the
casing of Khufu’s Pyramid.
Limestone, geopolymer, pyramides
Cílem bakalářské práce bylo zhodnotit teorii Prof.
J. Davidovitse o použití aglomerovaného kamene při stav-
bě velké Khufuovy (Cheopsovy) pyramidy. Práce obsahuje
řešeršní část, ve které jsou zhodnoceny všechny materiály
potřebné na stavbu geopolymerní pyramidy i pyramidy,
která by byla postavena z přírodního vápence. Obsahem
praktické části jsou analýzy zapůjčených vzorků z Khufuo-
vy pyramidy a mastaby z Dahšúru. Vzorky byly analyzová-
ny pomocí rentgenové difrakční analýzy, infračervené
spektrometrie, optické mikroskopie a termogravimetrické
analýzy. Interpretací dat z uvedených analýz docházím
k závěru, že vzorky z Khufuovy pyramidy jsou čistě přírod-
ní a neobsahují amorfní fázi tolik typickou pro geopoly-
merní materiály.
Veškeré vzorky týkající se pyramid v Gize pocházejí ze sou-
kromého inventáře Ing. Davida Kolouška, který jej získal
z dědictví Dr. Ludmily Matiegkové, která opakovaně nav-
štěvovala Egypt ve 20. letech 20. století. Analýzám byly
podrobeny vzorky „vepřovice“ z mastaby v Dášuru a ušle-
chtilý vápenec z vnějšího obložení Khufuovy pyramidy.
Švarcová Jana, Bc. VŠCHT Praha, Ústav chemie pevných látek
Koloušek David, Ing., CSc., VŠCHT Praha, Ústav chemie pevných látek
Schweigstillová Jana, Mgr., Ph.D., Ústav struktury a mechaniky hornin AVČR, v.v.i.
(Pyramidy a geopolymery?)
Klíčová slova
Vápenec, geopolymer, pyramidy
The „Father“ of the theory of geopolymerisation is Prof.
J. Davidovits, who in the 1980s formulated the theory of
the construction of Khufu’s Pyramid from geopolymeric
limestone. Khufu’s Pyramid was built during the rule of
the Pharaoh Khufu (the 4
ruling dynasty), and was
used as a tomb. Its age is estimated at more than
4 thousand years (2528 BC), and it is the largest pyramid
ever built. This theory is based on chemical reactions
participating in the creation of re-agglomerated blocks
with physical and chemical characteristics of natural
limestone. This hypothesis was built on the results of
analyses of so-called Lauer samples, in which some ano-
malies can be observed. These samples were given to
J. Davidovits by Egyptologist J.-P- Lauer. The aim of my
work is to present the creation of such a block from the
chemical point of view, and to describe all the steps
which would be necessary for its preparation. I received
with a sample of limestone from the casing stone of
Khufu’s Pyramid. My task was to analyse it and to deter-
mine, on the basis of its chemical characteristics, whet-
her it is natural material or geopolymer, and to formula-
te criteria which could enable one to identify
a natural stone or an agglomerated stone prepared by
certain technology.
Prof. J. Davidovits published a theory in which he descri-
bed an utterly new method of construction of Egyptian
pyramids. According to this hypothesis, the pyramids
would have been partially constructed of man-made sto-
nes, which he called “geopolymers”. Geopolymers are
a group of mineral binders with a “structure” similar to
zeolites. The structure of geopolymers is composed of
the basic polymer Si-O-Al, which is also present in zeoli-
tes. The geopolymer formula can be summarised as
, where M is alkali metal, and m - 1,
and 2≤n≤6 [1]. The amorphous substances are prepared
by the polycondensation reaction of basic aluminosilica-
te materials (fly ash, slag, etc.) in an alkaline medium at
normal temperature and pressure. This reaction is called
geopolymerisation. As we can see in Table 1, geopoly-
mers are prevalently formed at low temperatures and at
a low content of water added to the system.